B-Corp Certification: transforming organization with purpose
I had the privilege to follow the B Leader training by B Lab (Switzerland). Great people, great methodology, bright future!
But what is the link between B Corp certification and the expertise in Brand content and digital communication?
Bringing even more sense. Having even more impact :
Supporting organizations on their sustainability journey upstream reinforces their impact, makes the brand & content strategy even more meaningful, and feeds brands.
Interconnectiveness is the key.
This is my belief.
The Good Consulting Makes Sense
J’ai eu le privilège de suivre la formation B Leader de B Lab (Switzerland). Equipe super, méthodologie puissante ! Merci à tous 🙂
Mais quel est le lien entre la certification B Corp et l’expertise en contenu de marque et communication digitale?
Apporter plus de sens pour avoir plus d’impact :
Accompagner les organisations dans leur stratégie de développement durable en amont pour renforcer leur impact, donner encore plus de sens à la création de contenu, et nourrir les marques.
C’est le pouvoir de l’interconnectivité!